
Here's some of my films, or films that I have worked on. I usually take on the role of DP, Editor or Director, sometimes all. I've worked on varous projects, including short narrative films (soon to be uploaded), edits and promotions.

Gigstarters promo video

Here's a video I did for Gigstarters. Music by Borderline. Watch here.

Volunteering Northland
Volunteering Northland

Me and my friend Frankie Johns made this video for Volunteering Northland's Volunteer Day at the central library, we also conducted interviews with volunteers, the interviews can be found on Volunteering Northland's Youtube Channel. Watch here.

MTB promo video
MTB Promo

This was a short video I did for a friend of mine, who is a mountian biker, and at the time he needed a promo video of him riding for a brand he was working with. Watch here.

QRL Dirtywatts video

This video was made in collaboration with others at Questionable Research Labs, for our Govhack project, DirtyWatts. Watch here.

Treehouse video
Fairytale Treehouse

The Fairytale Treehouse, an airbnb that I did a promo for. Watch here.

Mandates video
Is this the New Zealand you want?

In November of 2021 thousands of kiwis were forced out of their jobs because they didn't want to take a medication, I attended a protest on that day, and here's a video I made. Watch here.